I have made two hard choices in the last 2 years regarding relationships. One of the hardest was to leave my ex-husband. That was seriously the hardest choice ever. I mean, he was my best friend and for about 4 years he was the one I spent almost every moment with. Then I realized we weren't happy at all that we were trying to live a life to make each other happy and putting our happiness at jeopardy. We forgot how to love each other, and we forgot how to care about each other. Do I know if I made the right choice. Not 100%. Honestly I think we tried the most we THOUGHT we could. I think we both gave up at the end. I think for the first time, though, I started thinking about how things were comfortable with him and how he really knew me. Even though we were unhappy some of the time, we seemed to be more of a team. I know that I want to be a team with someone I decide to be with again.
Just recently I had to make another hard choice. I wouldn't say one of the hardest, but I had to make a choice to leave a relationship I was in, with someone I thought maybe could be someone I could actually try again with. I felt like one day I woke up and was putting myself right down the same path of being unhappy again, basically settling for a relationship where giving up and just having a repetitive relationship was inevitable, again. I felt like i was expecting to much of him and trying to change him. I felt I also wasn't getting enough from him in return. I don't want to change someone though, I don't want someone to feel obligated to call me, spend time with me, be around me, or anything along those lines. I want someone who just wakes up (most times haha) thinking about me. Someone who when they look at their phone thinks about calling me. I am not looking for a fairy tale either because I know that is just not even possible, but I just want someone to actually want me and try for me, just as hard as I am trying for them.
Honestly I want to see if it is possible for me to fall in love again. It seems to me when something goes wrong I give up and put up a wall and then honestly just know that things are done. I feel quite heartless lately, almost like I might care more about protecting myself than giving someone else a chance. I am getting older and learning more and more but I feel like opening as a friend is easier for me than opening up as a lover and a partner. I feel like I am just holding so much in.
I am going to quote myself in this post:
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